Name of dog you wish you adopt:
Today's Date
Primary Phone
Date Of Birth
Zip/Postal Code
Length of time at this address:
Length of time at current employer:
Work Schedule (Be Specific):
Do you own a home, rent a home, or live with family?
Own Rent Live with family
If "Rent," provide Landlord/Management's name & contact information:
If "Rent," provide any animal, breed, weight, or size restrictions:
If "Yes," to HOA/Community Association Co, please provide name & contact information:
What type of home do you live in?
Single Story Multiple Story Twin Townhouse Condo Apartment Other
If "Other," type of home please explain:
If Apartment:
Private Complex N/A
If "Yes fenced-in" please describe type of fence:
Name(s) & age(s) of all other adults living in the household:
Name(s) & age(s) of all children living in the household. Please include children living part-time or weekends
On average, how many hours a day will the dog be left alone?
0-2 3-5 5-8 8-10 10+
On average, how many days per week will the dog be left alone?
0-1 2-3 4-5 6-7
What areas of the home will the dog be allowed into?
What areas of the home with the dog NOT be allowed into?
Where will the dog be kept at night? If "Other," please explain:
How long are you going to allow the new pet to adjust to his or her new home?
If the animal gets lost, what will you do?
Pet #1 - Type Of Animal/Name
Pet #1 - Breed
Pet #1 - Age
Pet #1 - Amount Of Time Living With You
Pet #2 - Type Of Animal/Name
Pet #2 - Breed
Pet #2 - Age
Pet #2 - Amount Of Time Living With You
Please include information for any additional pets still living with you:
Please list any pets that you have had within the last 5 years. Include name of pet, type, & amount of time living with you:
Reason pet(s) are no longer living with you:
Reference #1
Reference #2
If approved by another shelter, please list name:
If "Yes," (you have given up an animal) please explain why & where the animal went:
If your dog/pet were to survive you, what would happen to them?
Who would assume responsibility of the dog? Is this person aware of this and in agreement?
Please provide any additional information about yourself, your past experience with dogs, and why you feel you could provide a good home for a rescue animal:
If "Yes," please explain:
How did you hear about Bubbas Station Rescue?
If you are human, leave this field blank.